Salmo 85(84)
Vou ouvir o que Yahvé Deus diz,
porque Ele fala de paz
ao seu povo e seus fiéis,
para que não voltem à insensatez.
Sua salvação está próxima dos que o temem,
e a Glória habitará na nossa terra.
Amor e verdade encontram-se,
Justiça e Paz abraçam-se;
da terra germinará a Verdade
e a Justiça se inclinará do céu.
O próprio Yahvé dará a felicidade,
a nossa terra dará o seu fruto.
A Justiça caminhará à sua frente,
e a Paz traçará um caminho.
Etiquetas: ORAÇÃO
For failing to teach against discrimination on the level of faith…
Lord forgive
For failing to preach about the need, urgency, necessity of interfaith dialogue.
For failing to do my utmost to cooperate with other believers in preserving all that is good in their religions and cultures
For waiting for others to start dialogue
For failing to accept the truth and goodness in other faiths
For failing to share spiritual experiences and forms of prayer
For failing to learn about the faith of all the people in my community
For failing to thank you for living in a community rich in groups of worship
For stereotyping people of other faiths, failing to look as you do at the heart
For passing negative comments about the way people of other faiths dress, worship
For failing to praise you when I saw places of worship of other faiths well-attended, being built, enlarged
For my lack of respect of the other’s conscience
For failing to respect the pace of my partners in dialogue
For exacting from people of other faiths more than I do, as mush as I do for myself, from my fellow Christians
For entering into dialogue with the desire and intent to win the argument
Extract from a prayer written by Brother Daniel Faivre; can be used as a penitential prayer or re-written as a prayer of petition, changing the phrase “for failing” to “give me the grace”.
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